Boo Basket
Do you know what a Boo Basket is? Is this a tradition you are familiar with? If not, read ahead about what it is and how it works. Plus, click into our Resource Library to download our free “You’ve Been Boo’ed” printable to start this fun activity in your own neighborhood. Have the password sent directly to your email inbox, by requesting access. It’s a great activity to bring a smile to the faces of those who live around you. Even better, if you aren’t that close with your neighbors yet, it can be a really great way to open up the door to friendship.
What is a Boo Basket?
I first heard about Boo Baskets when my kids were really little, probably around 12 years ago. It was when I first hosted Fickle Hobbyist way back when. The idea was SO cute and fun to me that I jumped right in. To participate in Booing someone, you put together a little basket or bag of Halloween treats, print out the “You’ve Been Boo’ed” paperwork, and sneakily drop it all off on your neighbor’s porch.
When we first did this, we thought it was fun to watch our friends answer the door from a hiding spot around the corner. Kids would squeal with delight and the parents would look around bewildered by who might have left this for them. Recipients make copies of the sign, hang the “We’ve Been Boo’ed” sign on their door, and pass it on. Soon enough, more signs will be hanging on doors across the neighborhood as the happiness spreads.
What's In a Boo Basket?
For the sake of photos, our Boo Basket is rather sparse, however, we typically like to go all out for these. The local Dollar Tree is a great resource for fun goodies to add to the gift, but also check Amazon for some great treat ideas. Here are the things I like to throw in for kids:
- Candy
- Coloring Books
- Stickers
- Pencils
- Arts & Crafts
- Tattoos
Think things that you might add to a Christmas stocking, just Halloween themed.
For adults you can go in a different direction. Fun ideas include:
- Coffee accoutrement
- Snacks like nuts or chocolate
- Mini alcohol bottles
- A bottle of wine
You are really only limited by your own creativity. Still looking for ideas? Check out the recommended products below for fancy, more adult-style gift baskets.
Get Your "You've Been Boo'ed" Sign
To grab your free printable sign to boo your neighbors, simply go to our resource library and enter the password. If you don’t have the password, request access first and check your email. In the library, look for “Boo Basket” and download the file. You will need to put both parts of the sign into the basket.

Final Thoughts
If you decide to boo your neighbors, show us on social media! Tag us on any of the main platforms. Is this a tradition you’d like to start? What will be in your Boo Basket?
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